Monthly Archives: November 2012

5 ways to develop a “Namaste All Day” attitude


1. Be authentic…Whenever a situation arises, honor it, listen to the mind chatter and simply flow from a place of ego-centerness to authenticity and truth. Here is where you answers lie.

2.Smile at everyone you encounter throughout your day. You never know what journey they are on, or what impact you may have on their day.

3.Mindful breathing…as you inhale through the tip of your nose feel the warmth of the air filling your lungs. As you exhale smile and release all the stale air out of the body

4.Create movement throughout the day. If you are sitting behind a desk all day, make a commitment to stretch or take a walk every hour. This will improve your circulatory system as well as your mood.

5.Laugh as much as you can! If I find myself getting in a funk I close my eyes and envision myself smiling and laughing. I promise you will open your eyes to a smile on your face and a lightened heart.Image

Stillness Speaks


Remembering to cultivate a practice of stillness and space into everything you do and say. Those moments of stillness can save you from saying or doing something you may later regret. There is something so profoundly infinite and wondrous about the ability to stop and be still. Le t the mind wander, as it will. Then simply return to the quiet depths of your soul. That part of you that is so simplistic, yet so complex. Allow yourself to ripple in the awareness of the spaces between your thoughts.

Namaste All Day


Why I chose “Namaste All Day” is very simple, it embodies the essence of how simplicity and spirituality go hand in hand. The origin of this simple, yet profound statement, came to me during one of my yoga classes. A student of mine was having a pretty rough week, when she approached me after class to have our usual chat session, I smiled and said to her when times get tough just Namaste all day! She smiled and thanked me for the wisdom.

At the next class, my student thanked me for the mantra and applied it to her hard sitation. She said she felt a sense of calm and peace while repeating this phrase. The term “Namaste”means to “bow to” and to honor the spirit in each other. We never know what journey our spirits will guide us on, but when we can honor and bow to the truth from within ourselves. So when times get tough or even when things are going our way, remember to “Namaste All Day” honor yourself and others as we continue on this journey.
