Monthly Archives: February 2013

Taking Care of Our Energy


Underneath the layers of the ego, the authentic self is made visible. This part of us is whole, complete and infinitely divine. Embodying our true selves can lead to a life full of expression and purpose.

I recently took an energy healing class and the teacher spoke about how the foundation of who we really are is made up of energy and light. Of course, the human mind cannot conceptualize or rationalize this. Then he raised another amazing point when we are stressed or overwhelmed where does all the stress go? Well, it goes right into our mind and bodies. The more junk we have suppressed the harder it becomes to release. These blocks can harden our hearts and other energy centers leaving us feeling depleted and disconnected.

However, when we can energetically move past the layers of junk that we have accumulated over all the years here on earth, we can make more space for the “good stuff”. The good stuff being the part of ourselves that doesn’t need to fight or entertain the dark parts of ourselves.

When we can learn to step back from the cinema that is going on in our minds and begin to entertain a life of peace, joyfulness and purpose. Lets face it we all want that!  The simple intention of being the witness and letting go when we feel angry, fearful or depressed can encourage us to take better care of our energy fields and become open vessels of love and light. BTW I highly recommend energy healing it was definitely an eye-opener.


Detoxifying the Mind


Peeling away layers of our unwanted self can be like ripping a bandage off our skin! It’s painful and can leave a mark. However, this process is an essential aspect in cultivating our spiritual development and growth. Each time we peel away one layer of our inauthentic self’s another layer seems to have appeared. This is the timely process of healing my friends. Just as we wash our body’s clean everyday we must do the same with our minds and souls.  With that said, our minds have a tendency to fill up on external stimulus such as others people words or judgments, technology, the media, our peers, etc. This act of washing our minds clean so to speak makes more space for our truth to settle in; by truth I mean who we really are to the core. The core of our essence is love. This quiet space within ourselves that is free from the inner turmoil that we have created. 

Being gentle with ourselves as a reminder that we are on a path and this path is not for the faint of heart. It requires strength, dignity and perseverance. We can detoxify our minds by taking a few moments each day to sit in stillness, meditate, walk in nature, laugh, drink some hot tea, pet our dogs, yoga, run outside or whatever it is that clears your mind do it and do it often, so this practice of clearing out the junk becomes a daily ritual and therefore encourages you to stay clear and open to your truth. How do you detoxify the mind? 
