Tag Archives: meditation

Motivational Monday: Start each day off right


How we begin our day can have major effects on us  and our reactions throughout the day. Start off each day with a morning routine that suits you. Let love, inner peace, joy, clarity, and happiness be the fuel for this. It could be as simple as sitting on your yoga mat for 5 minutes to walking your pup around the block, to dancing to your favorite song.


Customize this practice to what make you FEEL the most connected and joyful. When we focus on how we want to feel the universe is happy to help!

What are some ways you start your day off right?


Interview with Eileen Fedyna the “Queen of Green”


I am so excited to introduce to you Eileen Fedyna a.k.a the “Queen of Green”. I found Eileen through http://www.mindbodygreen.com (The link to her article is below). What inspires me about Eileen is her contagious enthusiasm  to practice what she preaches. She is dedicated to living a natural and holistic lifestyle, while educating others along her journey. Pull up your chair get some hot tea and relax into this beautiful interview. Be sure to check out her website!


What or whom inspires you the most?


Any woman who chooses to age gracefully and keeps their body at the peak of healthfulness is what inspires me. Same with the men! Jack Lalanne is one of my inspirations. He took care of himself, cracking out a good number of push-ups until his passing. He was a great example of how to live the right way- body and mind.


How do you nurture your mind, body and soul daily?


Nurturing your own body is like caring for a baby. Every aspect has to be targeted to safeguard our health. We all slip from time to time but it’s what we do the majority of the time that really counts- hydrate, greens and bright fruits. Read something stimulating to excite your neurons! It helps me personally to be spiritual and keep my morals intact. For those who don’t believe in God, I say keep good faith and wish others well (always). 

What are some core values you hold for yourself?


My main core value in life is forgiveness. If you can stop and really think about a situation and place yourself into the other person’s shoes- you can forgive anyone. We are all intricately connected to one another and once you are secure in yourself, it gets easier to forgive.


What is your catalyst for change?


My catalyst for change is continually spreading the word on health and wellness. Take it one day at a time if you have to. Not everything happens overnight but I believe we will end how we began: living green, eating grass-fed and using the earth and what the universe has given us to heal all illness. Lead by example and others are sure to follow. We all mirror positivity because it’s exciting and makes us happy.


What does Authenticity mean for you?


Authenticity means staying true to yourself and the beliefs you live by. If you know something makes you uncomfortable, it is always important to follow your intuition- it will never steer you wrong. Let this be the guide to what you nourish yourself with or whom you surround yourself with. Law of attraction: like attracts like!


What does connection mean to you?

Connection means love, health and spirituality. Connections bring upon job opportunities, new love and blossoming friendships. This is what makes life interesting. You never know what connection is coming next, whether good or bad, both bring new learning experiences.


Can you share with our readers how to stay true to who you are, even when others might disapprove or judge?


When I catch myself mimicking negative behavior, I stop and say to myself “Is this really a quality that will be good for my over-all well-being” or “Did that decision make you feel good or bad?” If the answer is no, I try to remember that negative feeling for the next time my intuition tells me to avoid something. Let’s face it, we all back track and we all have those little moments of weakness in life. What matters is that we recognize them and put ourselves into a perpetual state of self-improvement. When you can look back and can say you were able to conquer something, regardless of what anyone else thought of you, that is true self-improvement.


Power of Choice


Every moment we are given he opportunity to choose how we want to feel, act and think. This is a powerful blessing and gift that we have been given. We think that we have to respond to things from our old habitual ways of being, but you can break free from old stories at any moment.

For example a friend, loved one or a co-worker says something that angers you, maybe your old way of reacting would be to get angry, act impulsively, say something you will later regret, or internalize it all day. The power of choice is simple. You can choose how you want to feel. Setting the intention of how you want to FEEL about the situation makes all the difference. If you know that by acting impulsively you will end up feeling like crap about yourself all day than choose a different reaction. So give yourself the time to breathe and gain clarity before you react.

Some more examples on the power of choice:

I choose to wake up early everyday because it nourishes my soul and sets the pace for the rest of my day

I choose to think pure loving thoughts everyday because it creates peace from within

I choose to smile at everyone I see because we are all connected

I choose to eat healthy foods because my body is my temple

What do you choose?


Your Practice Doesn’t Have to Be Anything Fancy


I thought this title perfectly reflected what has been going on in my practice lately. I use to think that I would have to travel to India to be enlightened, or meditate for hours, or give up all material possessions. What I am finding however is that what I offer to myself each day in my daily practice reflects how I act, what I say and who I am. After years of souls searching and pondering thoughts I have recognized that what lies within is very simplistic, unconditional and ever evolving. 




My practice isn’t fancy at all. I love my morning mediations, my yoga practice, my green juice, and walks in nature.  By showing up every moment I am more present and aware to my job, to those I love, to the clerk at the register, to my neighbor, to my dog. This simple practice of spending 10-20 minutes with myself everyday has truly transformed my life. It has evolved me into the person I am today and the person I am continuing to become. 


Once we take all the pressure off of ourselves we can see that being mindful and present within each moment is the practice. There are no gimmicks; you don’t need a guru or a teacher. All you need is the discipline to slow it down and stay rooted in life. 




Motivational Monday: 5 powerful ways for starting your day off right



The morning is a great time to cultivate some practices that will start your day off right. 


Here are 5 ways to do just that:


1. Gratitude-before your feet hit the ground think of at least 2 things you are already thankful for. This is a beautiful practice that changes your perspective by looking for all the good things throughout your day. Just breathing is enough to be thankful for.


2. Eating breakfast mindfully- eating in general can be a practice all itself. In the morning we can cultivate a practice of making our food and taking the time to eat it without distraction.  We spend all day running around why not just take 10 minutes to sit in silence and nourish yourself.


3.Do 5-10 minutes of yoga- your body can become really stiff from sleep. Therefore, doing some gentle yoga can release toxins from the body, re-energize and refocus your mind, body and soul! Developing practices that promote mental clarity is a great way to start the day. Connection to yourself is key!


4. Sit in stillness-Lets be honest life is moving at such a fast pace. Taking time to sit and be still may not sound that appealing, however it is one of the most important practices to develop. Stillness helps us gain clarity and connection to ourselves. So by the time we are ready to start our day we have already connected to that part of us that is calm and centered. This sets us up for a more peaceful day from within.


5. Listen to great music-I make sure for my commute to work that I have a great playlist that uplifts and inspires me! Nothing like singing along and feeling good before a long day of hard work.


What are some of your morning routines?
