Monthly Archives: January 2013

Internal world vs. External World


We spend so much of our time externally driven. Whether we are on our cell-phones, the computer, watching TV, and so on. The stimuli we experience from the outside world leaves us to neglect our internal world.  Between the technology and devices that are now apart of so many of our lives, it can be very challenging to disconnect from it all.

By the time I am ready to reconnect and bring more presence in my life I need to majorly remove myself from all the distractions that surround me on a daily basis. Your internal world is a sacred place full of light and love. A place where you and your truth meet in stillness. Your internal world starts when you close your eyes and become formless. No longer attaching to our bodies or our identities. 

So much is placed on who we are externally that we have forgotten where are authentic power lies. It starts from within. This is where the practice of meditation plays a key role in reconnecting ourselves back from within. Even just taking 5 minutes a day we can begin to bridge that gap that we have created between both worlds.

Understanding that we need balance in order to survive and flourish, we can achieve this balance by making a commitment to regain our sense of self by finding daily moments to close our eyes and return to our life source, our breath.

Metaphorically, we can use the mountain as a symbol of having one foot in each world. From the roots the mountain is strong, grounded and connected. Never losing it sense of purpose or power. As we travel up the mountain the view, the pressure, the weather starts to change, we are no longer on the ground, but we still are rooted deeply to the earth. The more we go internally, the better our external world becomes.

Take time each day to disconnect from your outside world and reconnect with your truth.

You will begin to establish a wonderful relationship with both the internal and external world.



Thank You!


I just wanted to post a thank you to my blogger friend zoevega @ for nominating my blog for an inspiring blog award.

We are all in this community together. We are all determined to make this world a better place and encouraging others to live in their authentic power and truth, so thank you zoevega for all you do!

